Ghost Station Tube Maps…

“Ghost stations are those which are closed and disused. Many remain fairly intact and some even feature time capsule-like qualities, such as WWII propaganda posters hanging from the platform walls.”
- Penney Design

All images (c) Penney Design.

6 comments to Ghost Station Tube Maps…

  • Janet E Davis

    Delightful! I have always been fascinated by ‘ghost stations’- or even just the closed off tunnels that I glimpse when travelling on the Tube.

  • estephan500

    please, someone show us photos of the ghost stations themselves, with the old posters you allude to

  • CrocodileJock

    Brilliant! Love it. Perfectly executed!

  • Gem (Mrs_Hat)

    Just total wow! Had absolutely no idea about Ghost Stations….are there any photos around of the stations themselves?

  • gdbrokensha

    This is a good site for further information about ghost stations, including photographs and quite detailed histories:

  • poohugh

    I can’t breathe that was so good, thank you!

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