The British Rail Flying Saucer

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  • ‘The British Rail flying saucer, officially known simply as space vehicle, was a proposed spacecraft designed by Charles Osmond Frederick.

    ‘It originally started as a proposal for a lifting platform. However, the project was revised and edited, and by the time the patent was filed had become a large passenger craft for interplanetary travel.

    ‘The patent lapsed in 1976 due to non-payment of renewal fees.’

    - Wikipedia

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    2 comments to The British Rail Flying Saucer

    • fizzbin

      British Rail, always true to form!

      We’re still waiting….

    • Pica

      Would have been late for it’s destination anyway.
      “We are sorry for the delay, there is currently a red signal at Mars, we will just wait a few Millennia for the signal to turn green and will shortly be on our way.

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