Travels in Imaginaria

“I have collected the old slides of strangers at flea markets for a few years. Often buried at the bottom of cardboard boxes under defunct cameras and bit and pieces of forgotten photo equipment are slides from holidays taken decades ago.

“I have gathered the ones I fancy the most into a series and, in the process, invented a magical, sentimental land that I fondly recall visiting inside my head. It’s a fine, proud land. Imaginaria.”

- Mikael Colville-Andersen


11 comments to Travels in Imaginaria

  • VonsterVon

    I love these…especially the ones of the lady kissing the budgie, the woman gathering straw and the snoozy lady in the deckchairs…wonderful images.

  • Thanks so much for posting my series! If anyone recognizes any of the locations, do tell do tell.

  • Janey21

    They are crying out for a story. What happens in Imaginaria? Tell me, tell me.

  • I’d like nothing more than to take you on a trip to Imaginaria. What is quite splendid about it is that if we walk down one street, you may very well see things that are different to what I see. Imaginaria is a warm, pleasant place for everyone, but it’s what is inside your head that materialises before you. It would be wonderful to sit at a café across from the Monument to Peace and Jazz on Strade Possiblé and tell each other what we see.

  • Michelle

    The middle picture in the third row is Melrose Abbey, in the Scottish borders. It’s every bit as magical in person as it seems in this photo.

  • Susan

    So lovely – especially the ethereal effect created by the light source behind the slides. Quite inspired!

  • t3x

    N° 7 & 7 look very much like Venice…

  • GASK

    I say number 7, 10, 14 and (17)19 are Venezia

    13 and 18 is Siena in Tuscany, or some other place there. Possibly Montalcino?

    The boat on the river is the old Traghetto on the Garda lake i think.

  • “Imaginaria” reminds my own “Altaria” from my blog about postcards and memories. But I have to advise that it´s written in spanish because I’m argentinian.

  • Chris

    Looking forward to exploring Altaria, Walterio

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