Tips for Single Women, 1938

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4 comments to Tips for Single Women, 1938

  • Linda Dawson

    At first glance I thought most of this advice was archaic. But the more I thought about it, some of it is just good manners, and good manners are a rare thing nowadays. For example, using a rearview mirror to adjust your makeup is rude. If a woman was in the driver’s seat and a man moved the rearview mirror, she’d be justifiably upset. We’ve become so casual that adjusting undergarments in front of others is done without a second thought. Yet, a little modesty is a good thing. Feminism has brought great gains for women in the workplace, but I think things have gone too far in personal relationships because a lot of women try to be ‘one of the guys.’ Also, there is nothing wrong with showing your date the respect he, or any human being, deserves by listening to what he has to say, not putting him down, ridiculing him, or trying to act superior.

  • Mia

    All of this still valid nowadays.

  • kaitlyn

    All but one: my beau loves it when I show affection in public (or at least, he doesn’t complain–lol)

    The rest, as has been stated, is just good manners and common sense….. ;)

  • Matt

    As sexist as this photo instruction is (assuming the advice applies only to a woman) it is good policy when followed by both sexes with respect! As has been said, I would welcome a dash of modesty and consideration today. It would be welcomed in public life.

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